Tawas Bay Michigan USA
Weather Station and Webcams

Located on Tawas Bay on Lake Huron in northeast Michigan at an elevation of 600 feet above sea level at Latitude N44°16', Longitude W83° 28'

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East Tawas State Dock Camera

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Tawas Bay Weather Conditions at 12:54pm on 4/16/24
Temperature Wind Precipitation
Current Temperature: 50°F Current Wind Speed: 11 mph Daily Precipitation: 0.00 inches
High: 52°F at 12:46pm Direction: SE 24 Hour Precipitation: 0.00 inches
Low: 33°F at 5:19am Wind Gust: 13 mph This Month: 3.06 inches
24 Hours Ago: 50°F Daily Average: 2 mph This Year: 8.87 inches
Wind Chill: 46°F- Heat Index: 53°F Barometer Astronomical Data
Water Temperature: 52°F Current: 30.24  Steady Sunrise: 6:46am
Weather Almanac for 4/16/2024 High: 30.26 in. at 9:47am Sunset: 8:18pm
Average High: 52°F Low: 30.13 in. at 12:00am Moonrise: 1:00pm
Average Low: 32°F 24 Hours Ago: 29.97 Inches Moonset: 4:04am
Record High: 86°F in 2003 Humidity  Moon Phase 
57% Illuminated

Phases of the Moon
Moon Day
Record Low: 12°F in 1904 Current: 71%
Average Precipitation for month: 3.42" High: 93% at 5:32am
*Almanac data is from the National Weather Service East Tawas MI station. To view data for any day for this NWS station and for other Northern Michigan NWS Stations click here. Low: 62% at 9:52am
Daily Average: 82%
24 Hours Ago: 81%
Dew Point: 41°F

Click for current radar from Weather Underground Tawas Bay, Michigan, weather forecast

Update 4/16/2024- 11:00 am EST -- The NWS COOP Weather Station in East Tawas reports that monthly precipitation through April 16 has been 70% (+1.26") above average and the temperature has been 12% (+4.9°) above average; annual precipitation has been 15% (+1.19") above the long-term average and the annual temperature has been 21% (+5.6°F) above average.   Annual snowfall for the winter season, has been 24.3" which is 51% (-24.9") below the annual average, and the current snow depth is 0". Monthly precipitation for the Lake Huron-Michigan Basin through April 14 has been 2.06", which is 63% (+.79") above average. As of April 15, the average Lake Huron surface water temperature is 39.3°F compared to 37.5°F last year and an average of 35.8°F. As of April 15, the Lake Huron ice cover is .00% compared to 3.86% last year.

* Lake Huron Water Levels- As of 4/12/24: 2" above the 3/12/24 level; 4" below the 4/12/23 level; 2" above the average for March; 33" below the 2020 average high for March and 33" above the 1964 average low for March. The level is projected to be 3" higher by 5/12/24.  The water level is currently 39.5 inches below it's July 2020 all time high water point. The Weekly Water Levels will be also published on MeWe (Click Here), on Gab (Click Here), and on Twitter (Click Here) usually on Friday or Saturday.

* Tawas Bay Fuel Prices--$3.39 to $3.59 for Regular.

Fahrenheit/Celsius Temperature Conversion